Our vocation and formation

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Our vocation and formation

Every vocation, whether it be marriage, single blessedness, or the priesthood and religious life, is always a gift from God. One's vocation is ultimately rooted in the universal baptismal call to holiness. Holiness is tied to the imitation of Christ in our lives as we seek to follow Him in thought, word, and deed.

The vocation to the Adorno Fathers and Brothers is a special calling from God to dedicate one’s life to the service of the Church according to the charism of our Founders.

Becoming a part of our community offers men the opportunity to serve God through parish work, missionary activities, retreats, and teaching. As a family, we strive to share with each other the joys and sorrows of daily life. Our Order is open to those who feel called by God to embrace religious life. As a religious, the candidate may serve as a priest, brother, or permanent deacon.

1. Pre-Novitiate Formation

Those who ask to enter our Order, after the necessary vocational discernment, will be received into our houses of formation. The pre-novitiate period in our tradition and Constitutions is divided into two phases:

  • First Phase (Aspirancy): We particularly emphasize the human and Christian formation of the candidates to help them recognize their vocation and respond to it according to God’s will.

  • Second Phase (Postulancy): Candidates are assisted in cultivating the grace of baptism, discerning their vocation more clearly and with greater certainty, and developing the virtues and attitudes needed to follow the Lord's call within our Order. During this phase, candidates are also introduced to the religious and charismatic dimension of our Order.

2. Novitiate Formation

The novitiate, lasting one year, is the second period of formation in our Order. It is a time of grace and testing, during which novices gain a deeper understanding of their vocation within the Order and experience our way of life. During the novitiate, the vows, Constitutions, spirituality, purpose, and history of the Adorno Fathers and Brothers are thoroughly studied, so that the novices can internalize and live out our charism, which should be the soul of their religious life.

At the end of the novitiate, the candidate makes simple or first religious vows of chastity, poverty, obedience, and not seeking ecclesiastical honors. This simple profession lasts for three years. During this time, the professed religious deepens his spiritual life in the Order and also engages in some apostolate in our parishes. The first profession of vows can be renewed for a longer period.

Solemn Profession is the highest and most complete expression of consecration to God in the service of the Church and full incorporation into our religious family. It is the sign of the spousal love that indissolubly unites Christ with the Church, His bride.