A moment of deep consecration and response to God's “Yes”

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A moment of deep consecration and response to God's “Yes”

August 17, 2024 was a day of great joy for the Order with the celebration of Brother Jordan's Solemn Profession at the church in Vinzons, Philippines. During this important Eucharistic celebration, presided over by Father General Theodore Kalaw, Brother Jordan consecrated his life to the Lord, saying his final “Yes” to the divine call.

Father Kalaw, in his homily, stressed the importance and depth of this moment: “Today, we gather in this Eucharistic celebration to witness, pray and support our dear Brother Jordan as he consecrates his life to the Lord through his solemn profession with the Adorno Fathers. This is a profound moment, a moment when Jordan responds to God's call with the words, 'Here I am, Lord; I come to do Your will.'”

Father General reminded Brother Jordan that his journey is not the fruit of his personal merits, but of God's overwhelming grace and love. “Jordan, you have reached this point not because of your own merits, but because of God's overwhelming grace and love. The journey you undertake today is the highest calling, for you are committing your life entirely to God. Everything else-yes, even the priesthood-is secondary to this fundamental 'yes.'”

The ceremony was an occasion of thanksgiving and reflection for the entire community, which gathered to celebrate God's faithfulness and Brother Jordan's commitment to his religious vocation.